Friday, November 22, 2019

Research paper on scientist Hannah Gay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research paper on scientist Hannah Gay - Essay Example This motivated Gay to pursue big dreams like her brother and she studied science and math. This specialization in her studies enabled her to reach the University of Mississippi at Oxford in which she majored in pre-med. She became the president of the club Pre-med Society and in the process she met Paul Gay and they began dating and later married. Gay is well-known for her contribution in the cure of an infant that was born HIV positive into a negative state. There is need to understand Gay’s early life, personal motivators, and her contribution to the cure of an infant from HIV infection (Le Coz). Early Years Hannah Gay grew up in Jackson, Florida where she was the youngest in a family comprising of two children. She had a desire to practice medicine even from an early age and this motivated her to pursue math and science in high school. Additionally, her older brother, Gregory Berry was doing well in medieval English course such that he was admitted to prominent Yale. She di d not want to be overshadowed and therefore, pursued math and science so that she could join medicine since she was passionate about helping people. This focus in math and science led her to the University of Mississippi located in Oxford. This is where she majored in pre-med and her enthusiasm enabled her to be elected the president of Pre-Med Society at the University. It was in this university that Hannah met Paul Gay; they began dating and became good friends since. In the year 1978, Paul and Hannah got married and they have been together for the last thirty seven years while they are blessed with four children (Le Coz). Hannah Gay was exposed to Christian faith at an early age and this she says, has been a great influence in her life. Her mother was a faithful at the Southern Baptist church and while Gay was in her womb, she was part of the Woman’s Missionary Union Missions. Gay grew up attending the Southern Baptist Church and this drove her to learn about missions whil e she was still a young girl. Gay mentions that she participated in three major missions which included the Sunbeams Children’s Ministry, Girls in Action, and the Young Women’s Auxiliary. Gay believes that this exposure to Christian faith was part of her training as a servant to people. She claims that she prayed to God to give her guidance on what she need to do in life and was guided to a career in pediatrics. It is evident that Gay had a strong Christian faith and this is still a driving force in her life until today (Chandler). Gay and her husband Paul were passionate about religion and largely got involved in church affairs while still in college. It was after they were married and they started a family that their faith motivated them to travel to Africa; in 1987, Gay together with her family travelled to Ethiopia to work as foreign missionaries. It was also Gay’s wish and desire to teach at a medical school after completing her education at UMMC and that i s what led her to Ethiopia. On reaching Ethiopia, it was a period of drought and towards the end of the civil war that had befallen the country. The Ethiopian government had also fallen and a new regime was about to take over the leadership of the country (Mott). These circumstances in Ethiopia made it difficult for her to pursue her missionary dreams and she could not even teach in a medical school. In addition, she had joined the language school but with the civil war and a new government

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