Monday, November 11, 2019

Classical Art Remakes Preserve Cultural Heritage for Future Generations Essay

I. Introduction Hook: New idea – it is well forgotten old (Geoffrey Chaucer) Thesis: I strongly belief that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and the purpose of this paper is to prove it. II. Body A. Topic sentence: First, until further arguments, it is important to give the correct meaning of the word â€Å"remake. † 1. â€Å"Translation† classics art into the language of the modernity. 2. Newer version or interpretation 3. Not a parody B. Topic sentence: Second, the remake allows the younger generation to encounter with deep knowledge that has been embedded by great creators in their artworks. 1. Bottomless meaning 2. The remake is a lifebuoy 3. New life to long-forgotten artwork C. Topic sentence: Finally, main goal of remakes is not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also are to preserve historical heritage and to immortalize the names of great and talented people. 1. A sign of ultimate fame of the original art 2. Highest prevalence 3. â€Å"Absentee† readers are always more than â€Å"confrontations. † III. Conclusion New idea – it is well forgotten old (Geoffrey Chaucer) Classical art is a moral category, which is carrying the â€Å"eternal† content. Unfortunately, the classics, such us literature, cinematography or painting, is losing its relevance under the influence of time. Only remakes of classic art-works are evidence of their immortality. Someone thinks that remake is just another way to extract money, for example, from viewers, which wanted to see their favorite movie in the new interpretation. However, I strongly belief that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and the purpose of this paper is to prove it. First, until further arguments, it is important to give the correct meaning of the word â€Å"remake. † Definition of the remake is quite simple: it is â€Å"translation† classics art into the language of the modernity. In other words, the remake – it is a newer version or interpretation of previously published work. It is not a parody and does not quote a source, moreover remake fills classics with new and relevant content, but â€Å"with caution† on the sample. The author of remake does not look like parodist; he is not looking for â€Å"weak spots† of classical artwork to expose their murderous ridicule. On the contrary, remaker finely and carefully refers to the words, of which was woven the old fabric of the novel. Remeyker reflects on every character, every plot turn, stares at the familiar line, Remaker may be repeated passages of the original plot, types of characters, but he or she depicts them in a new historical, social and political conditions. Remakes chosen as the new heroes, the new women, centerfold, mental retardation, AIDS, drug users, and hackers. All of these characters for the most part – people are good, spiritually rich, suffer reflection, ready to sacrifice, etc. Second, the remake allows the younger generation to encounter with deep knowledge that has been embedded by great creators in their artworks. Classical art is full of bottomless meaning, useful for our youth, but it is very difficult to reach them through stall of misunderstanding, because of the difference between modernity and the past. I take the example of classical literature remake to verify it. If the young book reader is looking for models for answers to the vexed questions – Who I am? How to survive in the world? – it is unlikely that the classic book will not be able to help him, because it is written in inaccessible and incomprehensible to him language. The reader is looking for the book, which speaks directly, without allegory. In this cause, the modern detective story-remake about official corruption and criminal fraud will touch the reader more alive than the â€Å"Dead Souls,† written about the same thing, but on the â€Å"outdated† language. Consequently, due to a remake, the classics artwork remains indestructible. The remake is a lifebuoy, which was thrown to drowning classical art. For example, a reader would pick up the new-â€Å"Idiot,† a colorful mix of photo models, expensive cars, luxury suites, black criminals would fascinate him. The reader had read to the end of the novel, and it was not about our time, it still would be Dostoevsky’s immortal creation. Due to remake, the reader was acquainted with the great writer Dostoevsky. If it was not interesting remake, adapted for modern times, I do not think that the idea of reading Dostoevsky’s books came to the modern reader’s head, because it seemed to him too boring. Another example to proof that remakes give new life to long-forgotten artwork. There was very popular film of Vera Storozheva â€Å"Heaven. Aircraft. Girl. † This picture is a remake of the Soviet film â€Å"Once again about love. † The younger generation is unlikely to have seen the original, but the storyline and drama, as reflected in the film, which starred Renata Litvinova, many have seen. Therefore, a remake – it is â€Å"second youth† of the old classics. Perhaps remakes creating of the same classical can be every ten years. For the reason that, â€Å"terminology† is aging faster than the artwork is goes around the world, and it proves that remakes preserve the art and sneaked it through the years, but the remakers had to modify the original. Finally, main goal of remakes is not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also are to preserve historical heritage and to immortalize the names of great and talented people. The  remake, it’s a sign of ultimate fame of the original art, its highest prevalence in the general cultural refinement of the horizon of the nation – even as a folded â€Å"label†, the most general idea of the plot. I do not think that â€Å"Anna Karenina† – Tolstoy’s novel – was reading by millions, but millions know that the heroine of this novel, committed suicide under the wheels of a train because of unrequited love. According to the article â€Å"Remakes or expansion of the classics† written by Marina Zagidullina and published in journal â€Å"UFO† in 2004, â€Å"absentee† readers are always more than â€Å"face to face. † The fame of the text is not only measured data forms libraries and sales†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The above given arguments witness in favor of my opinion that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations. In conclusion I want to emphasise that classic is like a queen, and a remake is her true servant – even involuntarily, but he exposes his back, so she stepped through him in the future. Remake is a dialogue with classical artworks; it makes today’s mass audience to feel involved in the great history of our past.

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