Friday, November 29, 2019

Swot Analysis Of Dell Computer Essays - Business,

Swot Analysis Of Dell Computer SWOT analysis of Dell Computers History: The company was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, now the computer industry's longest-tenured chief executive officer, on a simple concept: that by selling personal computer systems directly to customers, Dell could best understand their needs, and provide the most effective computing solutions to meet those needs. Today, Dell is enhancing and broadening the fundamental competitive advantages of the direct model by increasingly applying the efficiencies of the Internet to its entire business. Company revenue for the last four quarters totaled $19.9 billion. Through the direct business model, Dell offers in-person relationships with corporate and institutional customers; telephone and Internet purchasing (the latter now exceeding $18 million per day); customized computer systems; phone and online technical support; and next-day, on-site product service. Dell arranges for system installation and management, guides customers through technology transitions, and provides an extensive range of other services. The company designs and customizes products and services to the requirements of the organizations and individuals purchasing them, and sells an extensive selection of peripheral hardware and computing software. Nearly two-thirds of Dell's sales are to large corporations, government agencies and educational institutions. Dell also serves medium and small businesses and home-PC users. Dell's Unique Direct Model: Dell's award-winning customer service, industry-leading growth and consistently strong financial performance differentiate the company from competitors for the following reasons: Price for Performance -- With the industry's most efficient procurement, manufacturing and distribution process, Dell offers its customers powerful, richly configured systems at competitive prices. Customization -- Every Dell system is built to order. Customers get exactly what they want. Reliability, Service and Support -- Dell uses knowledge gained from direct customer contact before and after the sale to provide award-winning reliability and tailored customer service. Latest Technology -- Dell introduces the latest relevant technology much more quickly than companies with slow-moving indirect distribution channels. Dell turns over inventory every six days on average, keeping related costs low. Superior Shareholder Value -- During the last four quarters, the value of Dell common stock nearly doubled. From 1996 through 1998, Dell was the top-performing stock among the Standard & Poor's 500. Internet Leadership Sales via Dell's Web site surpassed $18 million per day during early 1999, accounting for 30 percent of overall revenue. The company's application of the Internet to other parts of the business --including procurement, customer support and relationship management -- is approaching the same 30-percent rate. The company's Web received 25 million visits at more than 50 country-specific sites last quarter. Timeline: 1984 Michael Dell founds Dell Computer Corporation 1985 Company introduces the first PC of its own design: the Turbo, featuring Intel? 8088 processor running at eight megahertz 1987 Dell is first PC company to offer next-day, on-site product service International expansion begins with opening of subsidiary in United Kingdom 1988 To better meet unique customer needs, Dell begins to organize business around distinct customer segments Dell conducts initial public offering of company stock, 3.5 million shares at $8.50 each 1990 Manufacturing center in Limerick, Ireland, opened to serve European, Middle Eastern and African markets 1991 Company introduces its first notebook PC 1992 Dell included for first time among Fortune 500 roster of world's largest companies 1993 Dell joins ranks of the top-five PC makers worldwide Subsidiaries in Australia and Japan are company's first entries into Asia-Pacific region 1995 Original $8.50 shares of Dell stock worth $100 on presplit basis 1996 Asia-Pacific manufacturing center in Penang, Malaysia, opened Customers begin buying Dell computers via Internet at Dell begins major push into network-server market Company added to Standard & Poor's 500 stock index 1997 Company sales via Internet reach $1 million per day Dell ships its 10-millionth computer system Per-share value of common stock reaches $1,000 on presplit basis Dell introduces its first workstation systems 1998 Company expands manufacturing facilities in the Americas and Europe, and opens production and customer center in Xiamen, China Dell introduces PowerVault storage products 1999 Dell opens, an online computer-related superstore Sales via Internet exceed $18 million per day Industry Outlook While the personal-computing market has expanded dramatically since the 1970s, Dell believes that the industry's best days and its own are yet to come, for two broad reasons. First, the stream of software and hardware innovation from companies such as

Monday, November 25, 2019

Shipping Duty Rate Essays

Shipping Duty Rate Essays Shipping Duty Rate Essay Shipping Duty Rate Essay Orleans, the window units will be distributed to the target markets, where a duty and drawback will be applied. Because the gadget came from the European Union (ELI) to the US and then back to the 3 EX. countries, the dutiable value is only assessed to the total assembly cost minus gadget cost at the 3 EX. distribution sites. For this option, the total assembly cost was $91. 48, and the gadget cost was $25, creating a dutiable value of $66. 48. The duty applied from the US to the EX. is 10%, and 18% to Istanbul. The duty is calculated using the formula shown above with the T/ rate added on. The duty drawback is 99% of the original duty rate (gadgets imported from Brussels to New Orleans), then multiplied by the demand to have the total drawback cost for each location. Option 2: Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey The option to produce the window units in Istanbul, Turkey requires gadgets and gadgets to be imported. Because the gadgets and gadgets are entering the Turkeys FUTZ, there is no import duty applied to the products. After the window units are assembled, an import duty will only be applied to the goods sent to the countries within the EX. (Spain/Portugal, Italy, and France). The import duty is applied to those countries because they lie in a different zone than the production site in Turkey. Even though the EX. is a FUTZ, only transactions made within that zone are beneficiaries of the rule. The duty rate for imports entering the EX. is 10%. In this option, the dutiable value is the total assembled cost of $82. 72. Option 3: Assembly in Saratoga, Spain The option to produce the window units in Saratoga, Spain requires gadgets and gadgets to be imported. Because the gadgets and gadgets are entering the European Unions FUTZ, there is no import duty applied to the products. After the window units are assembled, an import duty will only be applied to the goods sent to Istanbul, Turkey, because it does not lie within the Foot the European Union. The duty rate for imports entering Turkey is 18%. In this option, the dutiable value is the total assembly cost of $94. 66. NOTE: There are no drawbacks in Options 2 3 because there is no import duty cost applied to the gadgets and gadgets entering the assembling country. There are several common inherent risks shared by all regions regardless of the location Southern Air Conditioning, Inc. Shoes to assemble their window units. These include: transportation risks, delivery risks, quality risks, currency exchange risks Each assembly site requires at least one component to be imported. There is no absolute guarantee that can be made that would completely protect SAA from the loss of goods during their transport, or to a lesser extent their delayed delivery. There are many factors that can create situations where th e product is delayed or not received at all and in turn would affect Saiss delivery to its customers, their reputation, and penetrability amongst its distributors. Insurance could be obtained to mitigate some risk, but there are many intangibles that could stand to be affected in any event. In addition, because the gadgets are outsourced, SAA takes on the risk that a major component of their final product may not meet expectations. SAA may currently have a good reputable supplier, however, they cannot be for certain that changes to the suppliers labor source, management, machinery, and etc. May not affect product quality at some point during their relationship. And while Contracts of Sale and/or a Bill of Exchange can be implemented to alleviate some of this risk, SAA could still face losses to sales if they have to delay delivery to their suppliers while waiting for quality components to assemble an acceptable finished product. And since all unfinished and finished products are being delivered to multiple countries and not bound to Just one location, the currency exchange risks would also affect every location as there is always a gap between the time a contract is made for the goods and the time the actual payment is received for them. Furthermore, there are classic kiss associated with assembly in any location that affect any organization which includes: cultural, political, economic, financial, industry, and etc. Risks. Option 1: Assembly in New Orleans, US Risks specific to assembling products in the US include ever-changing economic conditions, after-effects of Strain still resounding, and perception and cultural differences from their target markets. Option 2 3: Assembly in Saratoga, Spain or Istanbul, Turkey Risks specific to assembling products in the Saratoga Istanbul, includes having all the finished dodos raw products being outsourced, leaving the assembly plant victim to many possible delivery delays, and having the assembly plant in a completely different location from headquarters and not being able to monitor all aspects of the supply chain as thoroughly. According to the same McKinney study, Istanbul is responsible for 27 percent of Turkeys GAP, with 20 percent of the countrys industrial labor force residing in the city. This provides SAA with a large labor pool to mitigate possible delivery risks. 5) Entry into the European Union. Turkey has a pending application to enter the EX.. This promising future would drastically change the import duties on SASS finished product. All of the demand locations would fall under the European Union Free Trade Zone, lowering costs and increasing opportunities for Southern Air Conditioning.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Research paper on scientist Hannah Gay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research paper on scientist Hannah Gay - Essay Example This motivated Gay to pursue big dreams like her brother and she studied science and math. This specialization in her studies enabled her to reach the University of Mississippi at Oxford in which she majored in pre-med. She became the president of the club Pre-med Society and in the process she met Paul Gay and they began dating and later married. Gay is well-known for her contribution in the cure of an infant that was born HIV positive into a negative state. There is need to understand Gay’s early life, personal motivators, and her contribution to the cure of an infant from HIV infection (Le Coz). Early Years Hannah Gay grew up in Jackson, Florida where she was the youngest in a family comprising of two children. She had a desire to practice medicine even from an early age and this motivated her to pursue math and science in high school. Additionally, her older brother, Gregory Berry was doing well in medieval English course such that he was admitted to prominent Yale. She di d not want to be overshadowed and therefore, pursued math and science so that she could join medicine since she was passionate about helping people. This focus in math and science led her to the University of Mississippi located in Oxford. This is where she majored in pre-med and her enthusiasm enabled her to be elected the president of Pre-Med Society at the University. It was in this university that Hannah met Paul Gay; they began dating and became good friends since. In the year 1978, Paul and Hannah got married and they have been together for the last thirty seven years while they are blessed with four children (Le Coz). Hannah Gay was exposed to Christian faith at an early age and this she says, has been a great influence in her life. Her mother was a faithful at the Southern Baptist church and while Gay was in her womb, she was part of the Woman’s Missionary Union Missions. Gay grew up attending the Southern Baptist Church and this drove her to learn about missions whil e she was still a young girl. Gay mentions that she participated in three major missions which included the Sunbeams Children’s Ministry, Girls in Action, and the Young Women’s Auxiliary. Gay believes that this exposure to Christian faith was part of her training as a servant to people. She claims that she prayed to God to give her guidance on what she need to do in life and was guided to a career in pediatrics. It is evident that Gay had a strong Christian faith and this is still a driving force in her life until today (Chandler). Gay and her husband Paul were passionate about religion and largely got involved in church affairs while still in college. It was after they were married and they started a family that their faith motivated them to travel to Africa; in 1987, Gay together with her family travelled to Ethiopia to work as foreign missionaries. It was also Gay’s wish and desire to teach at a medical school after completing her education at UMMC and that i s what led her to Ethiopia. On reaching Ethiopia, it was a period of drought and towards the end of the civil war that had befallen the country. The Ethiopian government had also fallen and a new regime was about to take over the leadership of the country (Mott). These circumstances in Ethiopia made it difficult for her to pursue her missionary dreams and she could not even teach in a medical school. In addition, she had joined the language school but with the civil war and a new government

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Information systems technology change What Bert Painter does and does Essay

Information systems technology change What Bert Painter does and does not tell us - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to distill the primary lessons regarding IT systems change that Painter is trying to convey in his paper, determine how one would evaluate those lessons in terms of their correctness and usability, and to discuss any other lessons not part of his conclusions that have been learned by the writer and which he holds the hope of putting into practice in his or her future IT career. In other words, the purpose is to discuss what Bert Painter does and does not tell us regarding information systems technology change. Painter discusses his experience aiding an insurance company's paper-based system into one that was electronic and was known as E-File. The new process allowed the company to integrate their data and automate their workflow, as well as significantly redesign jobs to be more efficient in the overall process. Painter directly states what he hoped to achieve through sharing the results of this case study (Painter, 2008). According to Painter in the case study, "A socio-technical approach to organization design can mitigate potentially negative effects of information technology, while maximizing positive potentials to up-skill jobs, and yield an outcome, such as with E-File, where over 90% of the highly skilled employees surveyed in this white-collar organization regard the new system as a substantially positive change" (Painter, 2008, pg. 1). Throughout his consultation process, Painter relied on surveys that had been developed in key areas. These included effects on work processes, effects on job aspects, the user-friendliness of software and hardware, and competence and knowledge. He likely shared details of these sections as he felt they were very important aspects of socio-technical design. In fact, he probably thought that the information gathered through this information carried the primary lessons that he wished to convey to his audience (Painter, 2008). Evaluating the Lessons and Looking at Other Lessons As far as evaluating the lessons that were presented in this case study in terms of correctness and usability, they all seem to be quite useful when perhaps broken down and applied to general management concepts that anybody could use. The reason they seemed rather limited in scope in this particular case was likely because this was, after all, a case study and, therefore, it focused on one company's specific application of the lessons at hand (Painter, 2008). The general definitions of socio-technical design that are given in the introduction and the conclusion of this paper contain more generalized concepts, which is what one misses when reading Painter's case study. For example, the direct participation that was given in the case study was in the form of interviews and surveys. It could be given in other ways as well, such as through meetings where everyone in the company is made to feel important. The system of socio-technical design was definitely present in the case study and is likely to be very similar for various different firms that are looking to undergo this process. One serious fault that could occur when designing or implementing this process is to not take into account just how serious the opinions and feedback of the end users are. If a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Constructing an Argument from Multiple Sources Essay

Constructing an Argument from Multiple Sources - Essay Example The environment comprises of the settings and conditions where man, animals and plants operate. Because every person shares it, it is our obligation to ensure that it is safeguarded and maintained. Presently, the environment is threatened by human beings who live in it. Global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt risking the existence of the habitation present there. This means that people have to willingly opt to embrace a new lifestyle so that the environment can be preserved. For instance, people can endeavor to employ less energy conserve resources that are nonrenewable as well as minimize the negative consequences that are already on earth. In his book dubbed, â€Å"life after a year of not using toilet paper† Colin Beavan supports this argument by revealing how he spent an entire year without having any impact on earth and living a life that is purely eco effective (Green para 10). A no impact transition meant any transportation that employed fossil fuel powers like taxis, elevators, and subways could not be used. The main consequence that burning fossil fuels has on the environment is the greenhouse effect or global warming. Beavan argues in his book dubbed,† no impact man†, that during the combustion of these fuels, carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere resulting in a number of crises in the environment. For instance, the burnt fossil, releases poisonous gases like sulphuric and carbonic acids which in turn damage the environment. Consequently, this makes the environment produce acidic rain which damages the lives of both animals and life. These damaging carbon dioxide results block the proper release of the earth’s infrared radiation. Consequently, this leads to rapid heating and an increase in climate change (Beavan 73). Furthermore, the fuels emitted can erode the ozone layer that safeguards the earth from the deadly sun radiation. Fossil wastes are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Current State of the Environment in Ireland

Current State of the Environment in Ireland Critical Evaluation of the Current State of the Environment in Ireland in Light of the Current Legislation INTRODUCTION There is a growing concern to reconcile the proper development of business with environmental issues in order to promote basic environmental conditions that do not harm the community and the place where such industry will be installed. Thus, efforts to improve pollution levels, whether in terms of air, water, soil, noise, etc. Become fundamental. Entrepreneurs, more and more, must be aware of local needs and respond to their priorities and concerns. Moreover, Environmental Licensing and permitting is a fundamental tool, since it allows the entrepreneur to identify the environmental effects of his business, and how these effects can be managed. This instrument seeks to ensure that the preventive and control measures adopted in the projects are compatible with sustainable development. Regarding this, Ireland follows the European Union (EU) legislation to protect the environment, the main bodies responsible to ensure that the environment legislation is being follow is the Environmental Protective Agency (EPA), the local authorities and the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. The aim of this work is to do a critical evaluation on the current legislation of air and water quality on the current state of the environment in Ireland. AIR QUALITY FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE The Air Quality Framework was established in 1996 by the European Commission, in the aim to improve the air quality, succeeding this the four daughter directives were implemented in order to established limits for different pollutants. Although, this air quality framework and his first 3 daughters directives were replaced in 2008 by the Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe (CAFÉ) Directive. Following this, in 2009, the fourth daughter directive was transposed into the Irish legislation, were it specifies limit values and requirements to monitor arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic hydrocarbons. In 2011, the CAFÉ Directive was transposed to the Air Quality Standards in the Irish legislation. Comparing with other countries in the European Union (EU), Ireland have a good air quality but the biggest challenge is to keep the levels below the limit, especially because is growing the particulate matter on the air and this grow is more concern on the winter months because of the domestic solid fuel burning. From the air pollutants the most concern, considered by the European Environment Agency (EEA) are nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM), ozone and PAHs. Those air pollutants are the most dangerous for the human health, vegetation and ecosystems and in the figure bellow it can be noticed the impacts. For this reason, the levels of air pollutants have to be monitor closely and its classified as very good, good, fair, poor and very poor. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) co-ordinate and manages this monitoring through 31 stations spread in Ireland and the data is available for the public. Figure 1- Impacts of Air Pollution (Source: EPA,2014) In order to improve the air quality, the EPA is implementing new measures by increasing the monitoring network with a program call new National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme where the public have a real-time information about the air quality and the pollutants. In the case of domestic fuel burning, will be implemented the nationwide ban on smoky coal and it is due in 2018 by encouraging the change from solid fuel to cleaner fuel alternatives and increasing the awareness about how the house heating can affect the quality of air. Moreover, as part of the EU Clean Air Policy Package Directive, the government of Ireland is going to implement the National Emissions Ceiling (NEC) to decrease the pollutant levels such as NOx and ammonia. Levels of ammonia is starting to rise concerns because of the agriculture sector growth that leads to a secondary formation of particulate matter. Another measure that can be adopt to help the air quality, water quality and climate change associated energy recovery with the anaerobic digestion of animal wastes. WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE In 2000, The EU Directive implemented The Water Framework Directive (WFD), 2000/60/EC was established. This legislation it is a framework for the management of sustainable water which includes the protection of surface water, estuaries transitional waters; groundwater and coastal waters. In addition, WFD also involves the protection of the entire ecosystem such as the animals and plants that lives there. According to the EPA website, this water framework directive it is important for maintain the good status of the waters use in different activities like bathing, recreating and drinking. With this legislation the water bodies are classified in five different levels: high status, good status, moderate status, poor status and bad status. In order to get at least a good status, the WFD created some programmes for the water bodies. The aim of these programmes is to specify the nature, extent and frequency that is analysed on the water bodies To monitoring the water bodies in Ireland, the country was divided in eight River Basin District (RBD) and it is not based on political borders. Was necessary to identify and classify each RBD for create a River Basin District Plan in order to achieve the necessary target status. PROBLEMS WITH THE WFD The Water Framework looks a good way to ensure the quality of water and to protect the environmental, but appears to be few weaknesses points in the River Basin Management Plans, especially because these Plans do not specify any action that have to be made to prevent the deterioration of the water bodies and a way to recovery the water that is not classify as a good status by the WFD. (SWAN, 2014). Moreover, the major problem in Ireland is that there is not a single agency that manages the quality of water but multiple organizations that regulates and supervises, leaving difficult to actually act effective. The idea of the Sustainable Water Network (SWAN) is that the current water management structure needs a restructuration. In order to fix the problem with the fragmentation of agencies that manages the quality of water, the government of Ireland with managers from EPA and City and County Managers Association (CCMA) are proposing a type of three-tier governance system, as shown in figure 2 below.   It is a new system that delegate each tier for different agencies to lead and also specify what are they aims within the new system. The tier one is led by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG), tier two is led by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the tier three is led by the local authorities. Figure 2: The three-tier governance structure for the Second Cycle River Basin Management Plans. Another problem that was identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) related with the Water Framework Directive is that in order to classified the water status, they do not consider microbiological elements. According to an analysis made by the EPA in 2012 40% of all samples taken from the 285 wells and springs in the EPA national groundwater monitoring network were polluted by microbial pathogens, which can pose a threat to private water supplies in particular. CONCLUSION It is important to increase the awareness of the pollution of air and water, since that they are related with public health and also economic aspects. The quality of water and air has to be good in order to preserve the environment to future generation. The existence of government regulations and legislations it is essential to keep a sustainable and preserve environment. In addition, more research has to done in order to create a link between the air and water quality with public health, this understanding is essential to identify the main issue and help all organizations to implement necessary improvements in the system. In conclusion, the agencies in charge for the environmental legislation acknowledges many of the problems that was cited in this paper and it is doing something about it to change the scenario. Legislation is always changing by implementing something new that it is discover, especially when it is about the environmental that is constantly changing and new technologies are coming. REFERENCES Sustainable Water Network, 2013.The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): Interactions with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and implications for the status of Irelands waters. [pdf] Dublin 2: Sustainable Water Network (SWAN). Available at: [Accessed 23th February]. Dublin Regional Air Quality Management Plan, 2009-2012. [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 23th February]. Citizen Information, 2016. European environmental law. [online] Available at:  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   [Accessed 23th February]. Environmental Policy Agency, 2012.Irelands Environment an Assessment. [pdf] Wexford: Environmental Policy Agency (EPA). Available at: [Accessed 23th February]. Environmental Policy Agency, 2015. WFD Governance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23th February]. European Commission, 2015.Introduction to the new EU Water Framework Directive. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23th February]. Environmental Policy Agency, 2017. Ireland ´s Environmental Air. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23th February].

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Collected Works Of Nicholas Cottrell :: essays research papers

The Collected Works of Nicholas Cottrell Collected Works, Vol. 1 Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: All works within are copyrighted to Nicholas Cottrell, hereafter known as "the author". Unauthorized copying is prohibited. Each reader is authorized to make five (5) copies and distribute them in any manner as long as profit is not gained. This contains subject matter that you may find disturbing or inappropriate. Please do not read it if you think you may become offended. Table of Contents: 0. Introduction 1. "Spring" - The one romance poem in here. 2. "Spiral's End" - a poem of revenge 3. "Of Teenage Sorrow" - A short story 4. "Nomad" - loneliness in writing 5. "Frat Boys" - anti-drinking 6. "Reflected Waves" - a poem of surprise at oneself 7. "Phoenix" - a poem of redemption 8. "My Friend In Misery: An Ode to Missa" - a poem of thanks 9. "Bleeding" - a poem of being drained 10. "Observations of Corporations" - A partial view of life. 11. "Fallen Hero" - Read the disclaimer 12. "Singularity" - the one way out 13. "Short Views" - More views on life Introduction A while back, my poetry won me a statewide award. Ever since, I've been pressured to make a compilation of some of my crap and send it around to be published. This collection is just a bunch of stuff I threw together, not much thought to it. If you like it, tell me so! My e-mail address is, write me. I'll write back each and every person by hand, I promise. Well, on with the show, I suppose. 1. "Spring" A rose with gentle petals in the garden grows amongst the weeds Love, like the rose thrives in life's turmoils like the carefully planted seed - Nicholas Cottrell 2. "Spiral's End" Too long have I spent Explaining what I've meant Too long have you heard my ominous words Whimpering, you cry on your knees, you die. -Nicholas Cottrell 3. "Of Teenage Sorrow" A child's cries in the night awaken the mother, who stumblingly finds her way to the crib. Is it a bottle, or a diaper change? The mother does not know. Inadequacy fills the teenage mother, and blinds her to the child's needs. "Rot in Hell, kid." she mutters, crawling back into a bed where a father should be but wasn't. The child's unrelenting tears force her from her nighttime reverie, abd drag her back to the nursery. "Shut up, kid!" she growls drowsily. "Don't you know I have school tomorrow?" But the baby does not know, and her howls fill the night. Lights come on in neighboring apartments, and shouts reach her ears. "Shut that kid up!"

Monday, November 11, 2019

Classical Art Remakes Preserve Cultural Heritage for Future Generations Essay

I. Introduction Hook: New idea – it is well forgotten old (Geoffrey Chaucer) Thesis: I strongly belief that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and the purpose of this paper is to prove it. II. Body A. Topic sentence: First, until further arguments, it is important to give the correct meaning of the word â€Å"remake. † 1. â€Å"Translation† classics art into the language of the modernity. 2. Newer version or interpretation 3. Not a parody B. Topic sentence: Second, the remake allows the younger generation to encounter with deep knowledge that has been embedded by great creators in their artworks. 1. Bottomless meaning 2. The remake is a lifebuoy 3. New life to long-forgotten artwork C. Topic sentence: Finally, main goal of remakes is not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also are to preserve historical heritage and to immortalize the names of great and talented people. 1. A sign of ultimate fame of the original art 2. Highest prevalence 3. â€Å"Absentee† readers are always more than â€Å"confrontations. † III. Conclusion New idea – it is well forgotten old (Geoffrey Chaucer) Classical art is a moral category, which is carrying the â€Å"eternal† content. Unfortunately, the classics, such us literature, cinematography or painting, is losing its relevance under the influence of time. Only remakes of classic art-works are evidence of their immortality. Someone thinks that remake is just another way to extract money, for example, from viewers, which wanted to see their favorite movie in the new interpretation. However, I strongly belief that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations, and the purpose of this paper is to prove it. First, until further arguments, it is important to give the correct meaning of the word â€Å"remake. † Definition of the remake is quite simple: it is â€Å"translation† classics art into the language of the modernity. In other words, the remake – it is a newer version or interpretation of previously published work. It is not a parody and does not quote a source, moreover remake fills classics with new and relevant content, but â€Å"with caution† on the sample. The author of remake does not look like parodist; he is not looking for â€Å"weak spots† of classical artwork to expose their murderous ridicule. On the contrary, remaker finely and carefully refers to the words, of which was woven the old fabric of the novel. Remeyker reflects on every character, every plot turn, stares at the familiar line, Remaker may be repeated passages of the original plot, types of characters, but he or she depicts them in a new historical, social and political conditions. Remakes chosen as the new heroes, the new women, centerfold, mental retardation, AIDS, drug users, and hackers. All of these characters for the most part – people are good, spiritually rich, suffer reflection, ready to sacrifice, etc. Second, the remake allows the younger generation to encounter with deep knowledge that has been embedded by great creators in their artworks. Classical art is full of bottomless meaning, useful for our youth, but it is very difficult to reach them through stall of misunderstanding, because of the difference between modernity and the past. I take the example of classical literature remake to verify it. If the young book reader is looking for models for answers to the vexed questions – Who I am? How to survive in the world? – it is unlikely that the classic book will not be able to help him, because it is written in inaccessible and incomprehensible to him language. The reader is looking for the book, which speaks directly, without allegory. In this cause, the modern detective story-remake about official corruption and criminal fraud will touch the reader more alive than the â€Å"Dead Souls,† written about the same thing, but on the â€Å"outdated† language. Consequently, due to a remake, the classics artwork remains indestructible. The remake is a lifebuoy, which was thrown to drowning classical art. For example, a reader would pick up the new-â€Å"Idiot,† a colorful mix of photo models, expensive cars, luxury suites, black criminals would fascinate him. The reader had read to the end of the novel, and it was not about our time, it still would be Dostoevsky’s immortal creation. Due to remake, the reader was acquainted with the great writer Dostoevsky. If it was not interesting remake, adapted for modern times, I do not think that the idea of reading Dostoevsky’s books came to the modern reader’s head, because it seemed to him too boring. Another example to proof that remakes give new life to long-forgotten artwork. There was very popular film of Vera Storozheva â€Å"Heaven. Aircraft. Girl. † This picture is a remake of the Soviet film â€Å"Once again about love. † The younger generation is unlikely to have seen the original, but the storyline and drama, as reflected in the film, which starred Renata Litvinova, many have seen. Therefore, a remake – it is â€Å"second youth† of the old classics. Perhaps remakes creating of the same classical can be every ten years. For the reason that, â€Å"terminology† is aging faster than the artwork is goes around the world, and it proves that remakes preserve the art and sneaked it through the years, but the remakers had to modify the original. Finally, main goal of remakes is not only the preservation of cultural heritage, but also are to preserve historical heritage and to immortalize the names of great and talented people. The  remake, it’s a sign of ultimate fame of the original art, its highest prevalence in the general cultural refinement of the horizon of the nation – even as a folded â€Å"label†, the most general idea of the plot. I do not think that â€Å"Anna Karenina† – Tolstoy’s novel – was reading by millions, but millions know that the heroine of this novel, committed suicide under the wheels of a train because of unrequited love. According to the article â€Å"Remakes or expansion of the classics† written by Marina Zagidullina and published in journal â€Å"UFO† in 2004, â€Å"absentee† readers are always more than â€Å"face to face. † The fame of the text is not only measured data forms libraries and sales†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The above given arguments witness in favor of my opinion that classical art remakes preserve cultural heritage for future generations. In conclusion I want to emphasise that classic is like a queen, and a remake is her true servant – even involuntarily, but he exposes his back, so she stepped through him in the future. Remake is a dialogue with classical artworks; it makes today’s mass audience to feel involved in the great history of our past.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Key Elements Of Corporate Governance Accounting Essay

Caltex was incorporated in 1936 as the consequence of a amalgamation between U.S. based oil companies Socal and Texaco. Caltex is the largest seller of crude oil merchandises and top convenience retail merchant in Australia. Caltex besides have operations in different states. The chief end of the concern is safe and dependable supply for all clients. We continue to construct our place as Australia ‘s taking provider of crude oil fuels by farther investing in our supply concatenation and selling assets. Caltex is an independent company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange ( ASX ) and incorporated in Australia. Chevron Corporation holds a 50 % involvement in Caltex Australia Limited. The staying 50 % ownership of Caltex is made up of more than 27,000 stockholders. Although Chevron has a big retention, Caltex operates with an independent board and direction. ( Caltex 2011 ) Corporate administration refers to the set of rules and procedures by which a company is governed. These rules provide guidelines sing the way in which the company can be controlled so that it can carry through its ends and aims in a mode that adds to the value of the company and is besides good for all stakeholders in the long term. Stakeholders would include everyone from the board of managers, stockholders to clients, employees and society. Corporate administration is concerned carry oning the concern with all unity, being crystalline, doing all necessary determinations, following with all the Torahs of the land and committedness of transporting concern in an ethical mode. More over corporate administration is besides known to be one of the standards that foreign investors are mostly depending on when make up one's minding on which companies to put in. Additionally, the portion of monetary value of the company is besides known to be positively influenced by corporate administratio n. ( Economictimes 2009 ) Cardinal Elementss of Corporate Governance For such big houses like Caltex, there are many cardinal elements of corporate administration that are important for the company and they help in guarding against corporate failures. These elements include: Transparency Conflict of involvements Issue of Integrity To guard against corporate failures these countries should be taken attention of in order to avoid any unanticipated amendss to the company.Transparency:Stakeholders will hold more assurance in the direction if a company is crystalline plenty and studies stuff facts in existent clip. Cost of capital would travel down because stakeholders will be more willing to put in the company. Jointly, all these factors enable the house ‘s productive capacity and productiveness to better ( Economybuilding 2011 ) . For investors, transparence provides greater protection in all facet of corporate administration. An investor would cognize how the house is executing if there is transparence in the organisation. In add-on to that transparence in compensation of employees and managers, gross revenues inducements and other human resource patterns decreases the opportunity for misdirection and unethical patterns, which may harm the house. Effective corporate administration besides helps attracts and retain employees ( Webster 2013 ) . Organizations must follow with the rules of transparence to carry on concern in true, just, symmetrical and timely mode all the information reflecting the direction and activities. These regulations should non be set merely as a formal construct of being of corporate administration regulations. ( Iconsejeros 2005 )Conflict of Interest:The companies which are non focussed towards the involvement of stockholders by and large experience failure because they value their involvement at the disbursal of others. In the long tally, to be successful a house requires protecting and valuing the involvements of stockholders instead than the house ‘s involvement. ( Turner n.d. ) Ranging from local to planetary, in public and corporate domain, struggle of involvement occurs at all degrees of administration. Decision doing procedures are frequently distorted by struggles of involvement and generate unfavourable or inappropriate results for the house, thereby sabotaging the operation of public establishments and markets. However, the current tendency towards ordinance, which seeks to forestall and pull off struggles of involvement, has its monetary value. The suppression of decision-making procedures, the loss of expertness among decision-makers and a barbarous circle of misgiving are the drawbacks. ( Handschin 2012 ) Large houses should hold a process established for the control and declaration of any struggle of involvement which may originate within the organisation. Audit commission or the Remunerations commissions should reexamine if any state of affairs of struggle of involvement arises between the company and its stockholders, managers or officers. ( Iconsejeros 2005 ) Stockholders can non supervise themselves the directors that they hire, so they appoint board of managers to do certain no struggle of involvement arises which may travel against the stockholders of the house. In order to avoid any failures house should do certain that their board is independent, resourceful and have the necessary experience to judge the actions of senior direction. ( Kayanga 2008 )Issue of Integrity:Presently, the chief issue in the field of corporate administration is non whether most listed companies follow the assorted commissariats but the chief focal point is whether the top direction of large organisations is seen as possessed of unity in the eyes of public. ( Applied-Corporate-Governance 2013 ) Recent high profile concern failures raise issues which are dejecting from many positions, domestic and international. These failures raised inquiries sing the responsibilities and patterns of managers, directors, hearers, attorneies, investing bankers, analysts and evaluation bureaus. Assurance sing cheque and balances support the operation of our market has been shaken severely. These issues threaten the credibleness of corporate and fiscal leading. The most major deductions of recent events of failure relate to corporate administration and public presentation of Board of Directors. Bottom line for all big organisations is that board is responsible for the entity ‘s unity as it is the ultimate authorization for the governed entity. Individually, every manager needs to take duty for the unity of the organisation he or she serves. Directors must see the organisation ‘s unity as an extension of their ain. ( Stalwart 2002 )

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

10 Tips for Getting Along With Your College Roommate

10 Tips for Getting Along With Your College Roommate You may have grown up living with lots of siblings, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else. While having a roommate inevitably has its challenges, it can also be a great part of your college experience. Follow these ten tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year (or even years!). 1. Be Clear About Your Expectations From the Beginning Do you know in advance that you hate it when someone hits the snooze button fifteen times every morning? That youre a neat freak? That you need ten minutes to yourself before talking to anyone after you wake up? Let your roommate know as soon as you can about your little quirks and preferences. Its not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to eliminate problems before they become problems. 2. Address Problems When They're Little Is your roommate always forgetting her stuff for the shower, and taking yours? Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them? Addressing things that bug you while theyre still little can help your roommate be aware of something she may not otherwise know. And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after theyve become big. 3. Respect Your Roommate's Stuff This may seem simple, but its probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict. Dont think hell mind if you borrow his cleats for a quick soccer game? For all you know, you just stepped over an uncrossable line. Dont borrow, use, or take anything without getting permission first. 4. Be Mindful of Who You Bring Into Your Room- and How Often You may love having your study group into your room. But your roommate may not. Be mindful of how often you bring people over. If your roommate studies best in the quiet, and you study best in a group, can you alternate who hits the library and who gets the room? 5. Lock the Door and Windows This may seem like it has nothing to do with  roommate relationships, but how would you feel if your roommates laptop got stolen during the ten seconds it took you to run down the hall? Or vice versa? Locking your door and windows is a critical part of keeping safe on campus. 6. Be Friendly, Without Expecting to Be Best Friends Dont go into your roommate relationship thinking that you are going to be best friends for the time youre at school. It may happen, but expecting it sets both of you up for trouble. You should be friendly with your roommate but also make sure you have your own social circles. 7. Be Open to New Things Your roommate may be from someplace youve never heard of. They may have a religion or lifestyle that is completely different from your own. Be open to new ideas and experiences, especially as it to relates to what your roommate brings into your life. Thats why you went to college in the first place, right?! 8. Stay Open to Change You should expect to learn and grown and change during your time at school. And the same should happen to your roommate, if all goes well. As the semester progresses, realize things will change for both of you. Be comfortable addressing things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules, and being flexible to your changing environment 9. Address Problems When They're Big, Too You may not have been totally honest with tip #2, or you may suddenly find yourself with a roommate who goes wild after being shy and quiet the first two months. Either way, if something gets to be a big problem quickly, deal with it as soon as you can. 10. If Nothing Else, Follow the Golden Rule Treat your roommate like youd like to be treated. No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year, you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and treated your roommate with respect. Dont think you and your roommate are going to be able to work it out? It can be easier than you think to address your problems and, ideally, find a solution that works for both of you.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Environmental Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Economy - Essay Example The Catholic Church, through its top leader, the Pope will also participate in the debate and give its stand on the regarding global warming (Rocca n.p). The other participants will be shareholders of various companies to address issues concerning carbon emissions through its reduction. Many big investors are now taking global warming with a lot of seriousness and considerations. The oil mining and coal mining companies will set rules that give a limit of the emissions while putting a consideration of keeping the cost of oil and natural gas low to avoid creating low demand. Change in behavior has encouraged the executives of big companies to support climate change and are now raising the issue unlike before. Environmental and natural economics deals with the principles of economics with respect to the management of the environment and natural resources and the way they are affected by pollution. The article relates to economics in various ways since economics can explain on ways of shifting towards the use of low carbon fuels at low cost. Policy intervention, especially on behavioural economics, is vital for environmental conservation, which the article aims at achieving. Environmental conservation and reduction of global warming requires a lot of money to implement the policies, but the benefits are desirable. Various economic outcomes arise from the environmental policies that tend to address carbon emissions such as high productivity, innovation stimulation, the creation of employment, and the improvement in the balance of trade. Controlling the use of the fossil fuels is essential for reducing global warming and environmental conservation. The article should have addressed the importance of phasing out all the environmentally harmful subsidies and encouragement of good practices to help in minimizing the usage of carbon fuels. The private sector can help a lot in lowering global warming as most of the emissions come from private

Saturday, November 2, 2019

From Victim to Vicious - Column by Charles Blow Essay

From Victim to Vicious - Column by Charles Blow - Essay Example It is quite possible that Romney is attempting to divert attention from the weak points of his campaign such as his unwillingness to make information about his tax returns public, among others. These claims by Romney may just work against his favor especially considering that he is accusing a relatively popular president of making vicious attacks against him. This might not go very well with the public because of the fact that Obama’s controversial issues have already been dealt with and accepted by the public during the previous elections and raising these issues further will only help the Obama campaign. Recent polls asking who had better personal character to assume the presidency showed that Obama would more likely be elected than Romney. Furthermore, Romney’s complete refusal to reveal his income tax returns may lead to the continued distrust of the electorate and ruin his chances of getting elected. Voter Suppression and Political Polls – Column by Charles Blow Polls are used to determine the trend, which voters are most likely to follow during an election but these polls are becoming insignificant due to the new voter registration laws, which are being put in place especially in vote swinging states such as Pennsylvania. Many likely voters in the swing states intend to vote for President Obama but it is these who are most likely to be excluded from the voting roles due to their ineligibility to vote under the new laws. Both presidential candidates have made numerous visits to swing states in an attempt to get a larger share of votes within these states than their opponents. Moreover, some governors, especially in Florida, have made it harder for former felons to vote and since most of these ex-felons are either of Latino or African American descent who tend to vote Democrat, it means that Obama will most likely lose crucial votes in these states. It is not known exactly how many voters are aware of these new electoral rules due to th e fact that not many people follow news about the upcoming elections and the changes which have been made to electoral laws. It is suspected that many people who are expected to vote for their preferred candidates (in this case President Obama) might be turned away due to the fact of their ineligibility. The new election laws have been pushed by Republicans in order to suppress the ability of Democratic voters to vote in large numbers, thus ensuring Republican victories in these states. Anglo-Saxon Heritage, Multicultural Future – Column by Charles Blow An article on The Daily Telegraph in July quoted and advisor to Mitt Romney as saying that the special relationship between Britain and the United States existed mainly because of a shared Anglo-Saxon heritage and that the current administration does not appreciate it. This remark can be taken by some to be extremely racist because only a minority of Americans identifies their ancestry to be English. Such comments from an advi sor to a presidential candidate may clearly display the real attitudes of that particular candidate and the negative influences that will be a part of his administration. The Romney campaign did not completely deny or retract that particular statement nor did they make an apology for